Portraits of couples
Portraits of couples are rare in the work of Achilles De Maertelaere. We only know three of them. There are however a series of portraits in which a couple is depicted in two separate works.

Pianoscene - s.d.

Portrait of a couple - s.d.

Portret of Ernest De Maertelaere and his wife Livina De Moor - 1919
Léon Janssens and Sylvie De Maertelaere - 1928

Ernest De Maertelaere and Livina De Moor - 1929

Count and Countess Cattafago - s.d.

Prof. Oscar Steels and his wife - s.d.
Gustave de Smet and his wife - s.d.

Mr. and Mrs. Willems - s.d.

Achilles Dierinck and Victorine Adriaenssens - 1984
Joseph Bourgeois and Cécile Lodrioor - 1954-1955

Frans and Maria Luyckx - 1945

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